Saturday 19 March 2011

Beer # 41 Innis & Gunn Rum Cask Part 3 of 3

 Third in the series of our Innis & Gunn. I'm looking forward to new samples throughout the year. Perhaps a new "Canada Day?"

You've read the history in part one and part two so I will skip the unpleasantries and take you right into the tasting of tonight's offering: Rum Cask.

Like the others in the series, this beer is aged in fresh American oak, then transfered to used Navy Rum Casks then to the "Marrying Tun." The label on the Bottle says "aged 57 days," however, on the website the time adds up to 107 days (30 American oak, 30 Navy Rum Cask, 47 Marrying Tun) so I'm not sure which is true. You be the judge I just drink it!

Here we go:

Reddish-brown  with an off-white head made of small bubbles. A 330ml clear glass bottle containing a highly respectable 7.4% ABV Scottish ale. Foil backed stickers comprise the front and neck label, the back label is clear plastic. Nose starts with olives, meaty herbaceous and slightly vinegared. Malty sweetness is underneath. First sips gives us a complex, sweet, malty and molasses mouthfeel. Clove and allspice, gives it a spicy character. Aeration gives us the woody, malted molasses in deeper contrast. Finish is cinnamon and cloves.

Overall results: (Fail, So-so, Pass, Exceptional)

Taste: Pass
Cost: Pass (In Ontario it is $3.25)
Colour: Pass
Beer Style: N/A (There is nothing like it!)
Re-order: Exceptional
Experience: Exceptional

Final Thoughts: Despite the clear glass this is a pristine sample no foxiness on the aroma or the finish. This beer is very reminiscent of the German Dunkelweizen, unintentionally I'm sure, but a very satisfying brew.


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