Beau's All Natural Brewery
Van Kleek Hill, Ontario, Canada
Gruit 6.6 % ABV Brown Glass Bottle 600 ml.
$4.35 (Canadian) At the LCBO
Twitter: @Beausallnatural
Sweet Gale |
gale (also know as Bog Myrtle or Myrica Gale). Bog myrtle is a lovely accompaniment to the malt in beer giving an herbal citrus kick.
I am Gruit...
Groo-it not Groot |
Enough witty banter... onto the Groot... I mean Gruit...
Pours a slightly hazy amber honey colour, with a generous off-tan head made up small bubbles. The nose is very herbal, floral, and sweet. First sip is heady with botanicals. The gale is bright green and slightly lemony. A little tart some green tea notes. Effervescent, with mild medicinal hops at the end. Aeration brings out the sweet gale, lemon and herbs .
Impressions: Fail, So-so, Pass, Exceptional
Cost: 5/6 PASS
Colour: 5/6 PASS
Beer Style: 5/6 PASS
Re-Order: 4/6 PASS
Experience: 5/6 PASS
Christmas Spirit 5/6 PASS
Final Thoughts:
Certainly one of the more tame beers from Beau's, but still a good quality brew. Nice herbal flavour development and good overall character. Maybe a good beer to start the night out with working up to stronger beers later on in the night (someone always has to be first!)
Cheers And Beery Christmas
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