Nickel Brook Green Apple Pilsener
Better Bitters, The Nickel Brook Brewing Company
Burlington, Ontario, Canada
Flavoured Pilsner 4.0 % ABV Aluminum Can 473 ml.
$2.75 (Canadian) At The LCBO
Twitter: @nickelbrookbeer
Well this is the last of my Shandy posts, after this I return to my regular beer soaked ramblings. I will however, continue in the fruit and spice genre as this year there seems to be a plethora of fruit based beers. Let's just say in the next week there is raspberry, blueberry, ginger, and spice on my horizon ( and by extension your horizon too Dear Reader ).
Nickel Brook is a fabulous little brewery in the grand metropolis of Burlington south of Toronto. I had the distinct fortune to visit them a few years back and enjoyed their family oriented business approach. The brewery started out as a brew on premises wine and beer shop. Eventually they added a full time brewery for commercial purposes. Still young and still growing, we are expecting great things from Nickel Brook. Tonight we are trying one of their flagship brands, the very brand that brought them to my attention in the first place: The Green Apple Pilsener.
Colour is medium gold with an frothy off-white head made up of small bubbles. Distinct "Granny Smith" apple aroma the moment the can is cracked. Nose is sugar and hard apple candies, and lots of fresh apple cider. First sip reminds us this is a shandy. The intermingling of cider and rich malty pilsener hits us straight off. Apple candy carries through into the taste, as well as tart unfiltered cider. The beer notes are subtle yet still distinct, rich malt and mild hops, slightly medicinal. Finish alternates between candy apple and earthy beer tones. The beer is bright and effervescent. The can recommends serving with pork, and I think it would work well if you cooked with it.
Impressions: Fail, So-so, Pass, Exceptional
Cost: 5/6 PASS
Colour: 5/6 PASS
Beer Style: 5/6 PASS
Re-Order: 4/6 PASS
Experience: 5/6 PASS
Final Thoughts:
A very solid offering from the folks in Burlington, however I find it to be a bit of a novelty beer. I would use it in a beer pairing dinner, make a dessert out of it, or just generally cook with it. However, I would find difficulty in justifying buying more than one can of this. I would recommend it to anyone making the leap from "Ready to Drink" bottled cocktails, or coolers to beer. I am even pondering trying a beer based Appletini with it. Fear not, Nickel Brook has some other very amazing beers out there, and once I get my hands on some samples up this way, you will be the first to know. They have a rather good Organic I need to add, and of course I have already done the Nickel Brook Gluten Free. Keep up the great work guys.
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