Wednesday 6 April 2011

50th Beer

Well I am about to hit the fiftieth beer that I have tried and I am one twentieth the way to my "unofficial" goal of 1000 beers.. I have worked at this blog for six months, and a lot of changes have happened in the last month. In March I had more viewers than the first five months. Quite a few very important people in the industry have started to follow me on Twitter ( @pintjockey ) and read my blog, which fills me with an incredible amount of pride... and humility at the same time.

The one thing that I have been pondering lately is that I think, I put my scoring system together too hastily. Not that I am out to rate the world's beers. Taste is the most subjective thing on the planet. Anyone who tells you exactly what you are going to taste in a beer, or a wine, or a whiskey, or even if they tell you what a fruit tastes like... that's their own impression... not yours. You will taste something entirely different. They can only tell you what they "Think" they have just tasted. I have also endeavored to not use the term "review" when posting my blog. I am giving you my impression and my twenty years of experience in the food and beverage industry. Take it as you like, and as I said in my first blog... "you will disagree with me..." I expect that.

My Cat working hard beside me
That being said I have decided to update my tasting report in such a way as it is a bit more quantifiable and scientific. I have added a numeric scale that co-relates to my original judgements (fail - so-so - pass - exceptional) it is scored 0 to 6 ( why six? I like six it's different ) 0 to 1 is Fail, 2 to 3 is So-so 4 to 5 is Pass, and 6 + is E xceptional. (I added a plus there because I always expect there is a beer out there that will blow my socks off and make me want to cry with the angels). This will start with my next posting... my 50th beer ( nice tie in eh? ). I also will be cleaning up the format and making the entire blog post a little more uniform.

Anyone who would like to give me feedback... well I am always delighted to here from you. You may use the comments form at the bottom of this blog, or email me at I will respond to all comments.

So thank you for reading... this blog would be nothing with out you.


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