Cameron's Brewing Company
Oakville, Ontario, Canada
West Coast Ale 5.0 % ABV Brown Glass Bottle 341 ml
$2.50 (Canadian) At LCBO
Twitter: @CameronsBrewing
And we are starting off OCB Week with a bang. Lot's to come so stay tuned. Until then here is another from Cameron's.
Auburn colour indeed, a very nice rusty brown with a very pale tan head made up of small bubbles. Aroma is dark sugary malts, slightly nutty, and a hint of hops, floral and medicinal. First sip gives us a complex roasted malt, very dry through the middle with a hint of sweetness at the end. Light in body and well rounded, Finish is green herbal hopes ending tart, and slightly bitter. Aeration brings out the green hops and some of the malt sugars.
Impressions: Fail, So-so, Pass, Exceptional
Cost: 5/6 PASS
Beer Style: 6/6 EXCEPTIONAL
Re-Order: 5/6 PASS
Experience: 5/6 PASS
Final Thoughts:
Avery good well rounded beer, complex, yet still light.
Follow me on Twitter: @pintjockey
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