Highlander Brew Company
South River, Ontario, Canada
Strong Spruce Beer 6.0 % ABV Brown Glass Bottle 650 ml
$4.75 (Canadian) At LCBO
Twitter: @HighlanderBrew
I used to go to College in North Bay Ontario. It is a military and railroad city on the edge of the far north in the province. It is rugged and gorgeous and I miss it every day. The air is fresh and the water is clean and the fishing is phenomenal. On the way to North Bay is a sleepy little town called South River. Not famous by any stretch of the imagination, but popular because it leads to the second busiest entrance to Algonquin Park; Ontario's most famous and beautiful Provincial Park. Not the location I would have ever expected a wonderful craft brewery to appear... but one did, oh yes, it did. Highlander Brew Co. was started in 2009 and headed by Brewmaster Brian Wilson (no relation to the Beach Boys...). Their first brew was a Scottish Ale (which is in the Fridge of Fame stay tuned!) and now they have a total of four brews. I first encountered them in 2013 on a trip to Sudbury, of all places, they were on tap at a favourite spot to hit for craft beer in the Big Nickel. I was excited to find the bottles in my Local LCBO just recently and couldn't wait to share them with you.
Enough already... on to the Highlander... (There can only be ONE!)
Honey in colour with a small off-white head made up of small bubbles. Aroma is dark roasted barley, molasses, and a light pine tree, herbal note. First sip is heavy malt, dark sugar, juniper, pine resin, tart, and green. Mouthfeel is creamy, and slightly thick. Menthol and camphor give and herbal, medicinal feel. Aeration accentuates the spruce, and the sugars. Finish is caramel with hints of blue spruce.
Impressions: Fail, So-so, Pass, Exceptional
Cost: 5/6 PASS
Colour: 5/6 PASS
Beer Style: 6/6 EXCEPTIONAL
Re-Order: 5/6 PASS
Experience: 5/6 PASS
Final Thoughts:
Spruce beers are like chicken's teeth... incredibly hard to find. Yet, this country has a strong history of them dating back to the first settlers. It is complex and unusual, yet satisfying. This beer is a definite must try, especially if you have never had a spruce flavoured beer before. Stay tuned for two more from Highlander, coming up next
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