Kipling South Pacific Pale Ale
Thornbridge Brewery
Bakewell, England, U.K.
Pale Ale, Unfiltered 5.2% ABV Brown Glass Bottle 500 ml.
$4.75 (Canadian) At LCBO.
Twitter: @thornbridge
Without further ado:
Pours light bronze in the glass with a frothy white head made up of medium sized bubbles. Aroma is all tropical, gooseberry, passion fruit, and guava. Fruit also leads the charge in the attack , but is slowly overtaken by a warm malty taste. Toased malt burnt sugars and a slight bitterness counterbalances the sweetness in the brew, oaky and slightly earthy. Finish is toasted malt with a hint of herbals. Aeration pulls out more papaya - mango, and very earthy grain flavours.
Impressions: Fail, So-so, Pass, Exceptional
Cost: 5/6 PASS
Colour: 5/6 PASS
Beer Style: 6/6Exceptional
Re-Order: 6/6 Exceptional
Experience: 6/6 Exceptional
Final Thoughts:
A very good use of the Nelson Sauvin Hop variety. I think we will be seeing it used more and more in the coming years, as brewers experiment with a wider flavour pallet, and deeper complexities.
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